Extended Filter Functionality

For RMMS Asset Records the facility is added to allow a Filter Definition to span across the Asset Attributes associated to each Asset Record as part of the Filter Definition. The Attribute Parameters are listed across the record line - providing the ability to list Asset Header Details and
Asset Attribute Settings across the same record line.

The display panel is extended to allow the User to specify which of the Asset Attribute Parameters are to be included in the resulting report, specify the sequence of display for the values across the columns, and apply Selection Filters against any of the header Asset Parameters and Asset Attribute settings.

The List Item checkbox is used to select those data parameters that are to be included in the display.

The Position column specifies the column order across the display. The position is set automatically as the Filter is defined and parameters added across the columns of the final display in the order in which they are selected.

This second panel shows the same definition but further down the list of parameters. All Asset Attributes are added to the available parameters display. These parameters may be selected for inclusion, positioned in the relevant column and subjected to a required selection definition in the same manner as standard parameters.


Existing facilities for setting Selection criteria and defining the overall Sort conditions for the report are still supported.

To adjust the column display type the position number required into the position cell before the completed Filter is applied. This will automatically reset the position sequence on the other selection criteria.

Defined Filters may be saved under named definitions for later recall in a similar manner to existing Filter entries.

The facility for selecting target Parameters, and defining the display sequence across the columns is carried forward to other applications of the general Object Record Display Panel including Incidents, Works Orders etc.